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Re-Post: "How Can You Support This Iraq War?"
Tuesday, April 03, 2007

America, Do We Get Squeemish over War?
Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Have we become like many of the nations in western europe? We overwhelmingly support going into combat to fight terrorists and evil dictators like Saddam.. but just a few years later we are sick of it to the point we are willing to forget why we fight.

Many I find on news shows on the television poke fun at the struggle in Iraq and even go as far as to say that our men and women are dying for no reason. The planes struck the twin towers and the pentagon on that Tuesday morning and American flags went up everywhere, on every vehicle beside every home America came together. But day after day following the attacks on our homeland we became more tired of this global war to combat terror. Flags began disappearing off vehicles and houses, democrats began questioning the Bush administration and went as far to make over the wall accusations of conspiracy and deliberate distortion of facts pertaining to the reasons why we went into Iraq. (for more on why the Iraq war is justified refer to my other 2 recent blogs on Saddam).

The media began it's attack; day after day showing carnage in Iraq and deliberately touting any failure on a day to day basis to decry the security situation in the new democratic country of Iraq. More time went by, and Americans, hit by the media's strong propoganda engines such as abc news, cbs and cnn.. began to become demoralized by the idea of keeping our troops in harms way. Americans began to demand change, ignorant of the progress made, they removed the republican party from control in the United States Legislature. Like President Bush said "Democrats care about our security just as much as I do". And I happen to agree with Mr. Bush about the Democrats' patriotism, which I do not question. But I do believe many of them need a dose of reality, realizing that this is a new struggle, a new war and a new enemy. Ever changing tactics and ever changing war strategy. Just remember we needed change in our strategy in Iraq, but as in all wars... changing the party or creating gridlock does not guarantee better security or success on foreign policy.

I like many of the Americans who voted for the democrats believe there are alot of problems in Iraq. But we most always remember the problems do not lie with us. For our troops are the finest, best trained, and most honorable fighters in the history of this world. We face an enemy who cowards in the dark and constantly shifts and we must all know that it is going to take some time to win this war. Just remember if we do pull our troops out, it is not only an insult to our fallen troops and what they fought for, it is in insult upon the very basis of our own democracy. And it would show to the world that America can not stomach the thought of standing up for Freedom, democracy, and Security. If somehow we end up chickening out, we might consider changing our national symbol to something other than an eagle. Like George HW Bush had said when he visited my home state of New Hampshire; "We don't stand there with our head in the sand, Our national symbol is not the Ostrich it's the eagle."

I am so very proud of our country for the high turnout at the polls regardless of the outcome. It shows people are becoming interested again, and realize that they can have a voice in this great country.

God Bless Y'all,


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posted by DC @ 15:36  
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